Throughout this course (SOCL-345), I have learned skills and experiences which will be beneficial regarding future references. In the beginning of the semester, I struggled with understanding what is meant by research and evaluating research using statistical analysis. Taking this course presented me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge and understanding while building credibility in the social research field. Writing an academic research requires a researcher to cite their sources to prove credibility of the issue. Finding sources specifically related to this issue “How Can Take-Home Activities Encourage Children’s Involvement In Participating In Family Activities” was difficult due to interpersonal bias associated with certain articles. However, after reading multiple articles and journals, there were a couple articles believed to be suitable for the research question. I acknowledge that there were certain articles that were solely based on opinion as compared to reporting just the facts. As a result, there were significant changes that were made regarding the selection of proper articles and procedures to ensure credibility of the author. Moreover, in the process of completing the project, there were difficulties that limited my ability to complete the assignment in the proper manner. The structure of the assignment led to conflict among class schedules as well as poor eating habits. Allocating the correct resources was also a barrier concerning completing and procedures of the assignment. Even with lack of sleep, poor eating habits and hardships attached to effective resources, I learned how to manage my time to some extent. Nonetheless, my attitude towards the project shifted from completion just to attain a grade to a deeper personal connection towards the topic. Growing up in Ghana, my experiences and hardship have led me to sympathise with the importance of family involvement. As a researcher, it is important not to examine and analyze research based on individual bias. In order “Think like a researcher?” one must be able to collect and interpret data. Research is constantly involved, the ability for a researcher to be passionate, persistent and curious can add to the author’s credibility based on the issue.