
Throughout this semester, I have taken various classes but “Statistics For The Social Science 346” is an important course that I want to utilize in my job in the future. This particular course class helped me understand how to analyze statistical information, interpret data, and  communicate it in a manner easy for the general public. Throughout the semester, it was hard for me to understand concepts such as measures of variability, T-test, and regression. However, I can pridefully state that I have learned many useful skills essential to my future occupation. I have learned how to examine, collect, organize and explain details on the information. By using measures of central tendencies, I find mean, median and mode by hand calculation and also through spss and r-studio. These skills are significant especially when trying to find the rate to which people will get vaccinated in the midst of a pandemic. This course made me aware that when examining data, it is important to make sure the sample is a reasonable size and well collected because the sample size influences the outcome and probability of people being in a pandemic. However, I had difficulties associated with topics such as confidence intervals and chi-squared which I had extra time outside of class to work on. Studying outside of class was helpful especially since I tend to struggle with math related to statistics on certain occasions. It gave me a clear insight as to what to focus on when studying for an exam or test for this class. In the future, I hope to utilize the tools and resources acquired from this class in the work field and to educate others. These qualities are essential when applying for a federal or state level job due to the use of spss and r-studio. In the future, I want to work for the federal government and use the skills learned to examine and analyze data.