Press Release


The Press Release assignment is a document that goes along with the Brochure. A Press Release announces the release of a new product or service. This document informs the public of a new invention and creates interest. When completing this assignment, my group and I researched and applied the AIDA format, which we learned in class discussion, to organize the layout of the news release. In the second paragraph, we used a quote that grabs the attention of the reader and creates immense interest. We quoted the CEO of the company discussing Covid-19 and the issues of working out in gyms. We made sure to include key points from the Brochure to make the product stand out among others. I gathered information from the textbook on including people’s reviews about the product to help build credibility and trust, the main idea of ethos. The Press Release, along with the Brochure, was an important assignment for learning professional persuasive appeals. Overall, I feel this assignment helped me understand ethos, logos, pathos more and helped me overcome a struggle with creativity.

Press Release: