

The first assignment I completed was the two letters of correspondence. This included the Bad News Letter and the Persuasive Letter. For the Bad News Letter, I took pointers from both class discussion and the textbook to form the layout of the letter. The class discussion and the PowerPoint our professor made helped me to understand exactly what a Bad News Letter is all about. I applied what I was taught along with the key pointers in the textbook and formed a letter regarding the prolonged repair of potholes in Terrapin, TX. I started by creating a statement that the addressee could agree with. I then stated what the writer was requesting previously. I used one of the 8 C’s to form a constructive way to tell the writer “no”, implicitly. Finally, I offered an alternative instead. The Bad News Letter assignment left me feeling successful in my writing.

For the Persuasive letter, I struggled at first with knowing exactly how to write an effective persuasive letter. I applied the three rhetorical techniques that I had learned in the class discussion, and researched in the textbook on the AIDA format for persuasive appeals. First off, I developed statements to grab the attention of the reader and interest them into what I was asking. I then developed ways to make the reader want to follow through with my request. I feel that I can create persuasive appeals professionally after completing this assignment. Overall, I created two letters of correspondence that I feel are effective.

Bad News Letter:

Persuasive Letter: