
Professional Writing is a very informative class, and will benefit me and my future in Speech-Language Pathology. Before this class, I was clueless on basic professional texts, such as resumes and cover letters, to letters and formal reports. I feel like I have successfully completed the learning outcomes and I am confident that I can effectively write all of the texts we completed in the class this semester. I can now recognize professional writing because of class discussions, the textbook, and the material the professor provided us with. I feel comfortable collaborating with others and overcoming my struggles. I have created documents that exemplify the elements of professional writing, such as AIDA, the rhetorical appeals, and the 8 C’s. I will bring this knowledge of effective writing and research into my career in ways of writing evaluations on patients, speech sample documents, and much more. Before my Speech Pathology career, I will be using my knowledge to apply to Graduate school, writing resumes and cover letters for job applications, and emails to advisors and professors. I am thankful for my opportunity to complete this course, and will be applying what I learned to other events in my life.