
I’ve been very lucky to be in many academic environments were scholarship was not only encouraged but expected. When I got to Longwood I realized immediately that this trend would continue and I would not be allowed by my peers and faculty to settle for anything except excellence. Each of my classes was a challenge but the honors courses I took demanded just that little bit more that drove me to really stretch my capabilities and discover both my strengths and weaknesses. This was so critical because without knowing ones self you can never truly achieve scholarship and direct yourself to be as driven as possible.

One of the classes the pushed to be as scholarly as possible was actually a non-honors course however, being BIO 251 with Dr. Henk. The way the class was setup allowed the students to have both creative freedom but also ample structure in the class, which culminated in a presentation that we had worked for weeks on. This class really helped my highlight what I was good at and what I tended to struggle with, all while working with a group of peers and having to overcome issues and disturbances throughout the course. These tough situations are what allow me to thrive as a student and I believe Longwood and the Honors college have done a fantastic job of challenging me academically.

One of the slides from our BIO 251 research presentation