
Any group of people can make a community but the communities that last the longest and make the biggest impacts on our lives are undoubtably the ones with the best people in them. Longwood has many great communities, and the small size of the school creates a community between the student body as a whole. However my favorite community I was a part of was certainly the Honors College community.

The four days of Honors orientation introduced me to some of my greatest friends at Longwood. Those four days then translated into experiences that brought our whole group together and gave us a strong foundation, what every community needs, to build off of. The two honors dorms were also a big part of this, since many of the people who I either shared classes with or wanted to hang out with were only a minutes walk away or even better on the same floor as me.

I’m sure my honors friends will continue to be some of my closest peers for the next few years and will continue to help push, direct, and guide me to success at Longwood.

Pictured are a group of Honors students and faculty attending a presentation