
Hello, thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio, my name is Thomas Hoke and I am a rising sophomore attending Longwood University. I’m from Richmond, Virginia, where my family consists of my mother, father, sister, and four cats. Richmond is very much my home but Farmville and Longwood are a close second and have blessed me with many great opportunities over the course of my year there. My main passions revolve around the outdoors with my major of Environmental Science reflecting this.

I’ve been hunting and fishing since I could walk and those still tend to be my favorite activities when I’m not in school. Over the past few years I’ve also discovered my passion for videography and have combined all three of these interests by creating a YouTube platform where I share videos taken from my outdoor adventures. Because of how much I enjoy the outdoors and in particular the Virginia wildlife I hope to pursue a career working to either protect or manage some of the amazing species present in this state.

My time at Longwood has been fantastic so far and I have no plans of letting the next three years be anything less than stellar. I’ve been gifted with some great friends and found fun activities to take part in all over campus. My favorite times at Longwood are when the whole student body comes together as one community during events such as Oktoberfest and Spring Weekend. The Farmville community as a whole has also made an impact on me during my time here due to the passionate locals and variety of collegiate activities.

Some of my favorite peers who I took part in a large research project with