Major Courses

Action Analysis I

Action Analysis I was a wonderful class, and I loved being a part of it. It taught me so much about movement for both animals and humans, which will absolutely help me as I pursue a career in animation. Above is a progress document sampling some of my drawings from earlier in the class. As …

Digital Craft and Color

It’s not much to look at, but this box was the introduction to the course. As someone who had experience with Adobe Illustrator, it was almost a surprise that very few had experience with the program, so what was fairly simple for me was far more difficult for others in the class. Of course, there …

Drawing for Design

This course was a baseline course for the GAND program, and served as almost a precursor to Action Analysis I. Unfortunately, I have no surviving examples from that class, due to a flood in Bedford that ruined most if not all of the student work from our class. But the lessons in design principles like Gestalt, …

Handcraft and Color for Design

Handcraft and Color was in no way an easy class, but despite that I was extremely proud of what I was able to accomplish. This piece was part of a shadowbox project in which teams of 4 took an Aesop’s fable and split it into four key points, which each member took to create a …

Research, Critique and Presentation for Design

concept storyboards Research and Critique was a fantastic class, and it really helped me to get comfortable presenting and being prepared to answer any questions asked of my work, even if I was not prepared for the question. While this time it did not soothe my anxieties for Assessments, but having gotten through one ok …