Journal Entire 4

I went to the study abroad fair and received many brochures. I learned about the different study abroad opportunities. The opportunities I looked at were more biology centered since I am a bio major, but I did look at other opportunities as well.

I looked at the Spanish trip and to summarize it, they drop you at a host family. Being with the host family basically forces you to learn how to speak Spanish and that allows you to become more fluent speaking. I kind of threw that out the window, due to the fact the only Spanish experience was from when I was in elementary school from Dora the Explorer.

I looked at the study abroad on the boat. I love the water so that was very interesting too. I was excited to think about living on the water for a little bit. I was really interested then I realized that it was a sailboat and I get seasick on sailboats, so that was out. I did not want to ruin the experience for anyone and I am sure I would miserable.

I not really looking to study abroad right now, but the fair was fun to walk around it. I found that there were so many opportunities for study abroad. I will seriously consider study abroad.