Identify and describe the major principles of biology

The major principles in biology to me would be environmental biology, microscopic biology, and organismal biology. What I mean by the environment is something along the lines of like ecology. For microscopic biology, I just mean biology that is too small to see what the human eye so like cell biology and microbiology. Organismal biology what I mean by that is like anatomy and physiology or vertebrate biology. These three types of biology are all interconnected, which is why I consider them the major principles in biology.

For environmental biology, an artifact or an example for that would be the roadkill presentation I did in biology 251 intro to ecology and evolution. This presentation showed how the speed limit, weather, and adjacent habitat has on the morality of animals due to road traffic. The presentation basically showed the effect that urbanization has on animals. Environmental Biology is was definitely a challenge for me, because I am more of a microbiology person. Environmental biology it’s definitely more opinion based in some sections like conservation biology. As a scientist, I have grown accustomed to just looking at the facts or asking for more information rather than relying on past feelings or motivations. Conservation biology is definitely one of those topics that relies a little bit more on the past than it does on what’s to come. Conservation biology is important for helping reestablish populations of animals but some of the animals that were doing conservation four has been going on for a very long time. Some of these conservation efforts have been going on for so long that I personally don’t believe that the animal will ever recover because humans have interacted too much with said animals. To overcome my issues with the environmental biology I just have to compartmentalize. I look at the facts and I go off the facts of whatever issue we’re talking about within environmental biology, and I still ask questions and ask for more data.

BIOL 251 Research Showcase Presentation 2019.pptx

For microscopic biology artifact or an example would be the pamphlet for the hepatitis B vaccine that I made for biology 304 microbiology for health care professionals. This pamphlet basically makes a way for information to be spread about hepatitis B and its vaccine without it being too technical. This pamphlet was made so that the average person picking up this pamphlet would be able to understand what hepatitis B is, how it is transmitted, what are the signs and symptoms of hepatitis B, and what the hepatitis B vaccine is. Microscopic biology is definitely something I am more confident in than any of the other principles in biology. I really enjoyed biology 404 immunology and it helped me grow and understand how exactly the immune system works. I’ve taken I think more microscopic biology-type classes than I have any other type which has allowed me to grow and this major principle.


For organismal biology, an artifact or an example would be the metabolism lab from biology 207 human anatomy and physiology II. This lab required us to calculate the estimated basal metabolic rate for a subject. This lab shows how many calories per hour is in the metabolic rate. This basically helps us understand how the metabolic rate occurs within humans and how that is calculated.


All three of these major principles in biology are interact in some way. Environmental biology and organismal biology are certainly connected because the organism lives within the environment which can cause issues for either one. The organism could have issues with the environment and the environment could have an issue with the organisms that live there. Microscopic biology also interacts with both environmental and organismal biology because microscopic biology is incorporated into both. Organisms are made up of cells which is a part of microscopic biology. Also, there are some microscopic organisms that live within the environment.