Dear Senior Self,

I know you will read this and smirk, because that’s what you always do with reflections such as these. We always laugh at how right we were, or how drastically wrong we were in predicting the future. Transferring to Longwood was probably the most positive life altering decision you have made yet. You have went from having a few friends to being in a fraternity and having many brothers you consider family. Longwood and Gamma Psi have become your home away from home. Right now the plan is to either pursue an MBA, JD or both through a dual program. I can’t say whether or not that is what I will do in the future, because life can change in an instant. All I know is that I know you will make the most of your life in whatever career path you will make. The decisions we have made in the past do not define us. We have learned from our mistakes, and enjoyed the good times. Keep striving hard and try to improve yourself everyday. Remember you have a group of brothers who will always be there for you.


Good luck!

Sophomore me