Course Journal


Over the course of the semester, there have been a number of journals that have consisted of readings and commenting on our findings. Some of the reading has dated back hundreds of years and so at times, this has been challenging. On the other hand, the times where it’s been challenging to translate the content into my personal interpretation has meant I have learned a great deal more.  From looking at the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler’s battle to looking at terministic screens, the journals I have tackled have been a large part in my development as a reader and a writer.

What I learned and found most useful to know was, the terministic screen and its value when writing papers. Colleen Keough says that ‘’ A terministic screen directs the attention of the audience along a certain line of thought.’’ (Keough, 1982)  This is a tool that’s used everywhere. Social media, television, newspapers and other content that is shaping the thoughts of the audience. Keough also argues that the terministic screen somewhat mirrors reality. There were times in my rhetorical analysis paper where I introduced the terministic screen and its relation to mental health.

There were also a number of smaller in class journals that we did. What I found about those journals were they helped me manage my time effectively. Having filed my thoughts into a journal for future work made the larger assignments easier to complete because I had made progress with filling in my in-class journals. Below is an example of an in-class journal that may not look like a large piece of information, however, once all of these small files added up to one cause, they proved very useful.

Below are the journals I have completed throughout the semester.

English 400 – Journal 1

English 400 Journal 2

English 400 Journal 3



Colleen Keough, 1982, Sexist language: Terministic screens and transcendence