
The content I have presented in my ePortfolio has been a reflection of what I have produced throughout the semester. However, the most useful tool I have acquired from this course is my approach to how I write. Whether it be related to rhetoric, a paper or even a journal, my way of writing has shifted. I now plan out the structure of my work, meticulous preparation is key to writing a successful piece of work. Whereas before this course I haven’t really taken time to map out my points and evidence that supports my argument I am trying to deliver. In the past, this rushed approach has resulted in my grades suffering because of silly mistakes being made such as grammatical errors, which have resulted in me losing the reader because my argument is unclear.

The skill of planning and preparing as much as I can is the skill I will take with me beyond the course. It doesn’t have to be in academic writing, planning ahead of time is something I have grown to appreciate more during my time in the course and its something I take much more serious now than I did before the start of English 400. My goals beyond this course are within the sporting environment. Soccer is far apart from the world of academic writing however there are skills such as planning ahead and taking preparation seriously, that will prove to be vital as I make the transition from graduating college to coaching in Soccer.