
My name is Josh Hanratty I am currently studying communication studies with a concentration in public relations. I am a senior and will be graduating in May 2019. Enrolling into University North Carolina Pembroke in the fall of 2015, I was part of the men’s soccer team and was studying sports management. Having spent two years in North Carolina I decided it was the right decision for me to move on and play division one soccer and challenge myself at the highest level, and having spoken to the coach here at Longwood, Farmville was to be my home for the second half of my college experience. Transferring majors was a daunting step but with the communication studies professors, the transition was very smooth. My strengths are in the game of Soccer, being from England my life has revolved around the sport and so coming to America I have been giving the chance to further my education whilst playing soccer, this opportunity was given to me by my commitment made to the sport throughout the years. Coming from overseas into the collegiate environment at the age of eighteen, it was again an overwhelming transition, however, with the help of team-mates, coaches and many great people, it was a transition that was made far easier than first anticipated. Being a communications major has taught me many skills that I carry with me today. Being punctual, co-operative and prepared are three qualities that I aim to improve every day. 

This ePortfolio will serve as my English 400 final exam. There are a number of tabs listed at the top of the page, where there is a number of different tasks that were assigned to us students through the semester. Also listed with the assignments are reflections. As the semester is coming to a close, I feel I have learned a great amount and my writing skills have improved significantly with the guidance of my professor.

Course Learning Outcomes 

1) engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues;

2) understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context;

3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes;

4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations;

5) understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership

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