Throughout working on this project, I have learned a lot about what family violence is and it effects the lives of men and women everywhere. Throughout this project, I have learned that family violence is more than just physical abuse spouses and children face. Child abuse is physical, mental, verbal and emotional trauma that a child faces. My understanding was enhanced by the research that I did on this topic and the understanding on what causes and effects violence can have on the families.
When doing this project, I noticed a few areas of improvement that could be changed upon in the future. If I could change the type of resource that I made, I would make it into an online resource that families could have at their disposal incase they were to ever have the need to access it. I think that I would also include direct links to specific tasks that parents can have to help them if they would need it. That way, they are not overwhelmed with information, and if they would like access to more information, it is right there for them. I think visually, the brochure is pleasing and would catch someone’s eye in hopes that they would read and retain the information.
From doing this project, I have learned a lot about research. I have realized that when doing research, you cannot just select the articles that look easy to read. You have to do the research and verify that what is in the article correlates directly with what you are trying to accomplish. I have also developed a better understanding of how to condense what I have read to make it clearer for those who are new to the topic and do not have the same understanding and background on the topic like I do. Overall, throughout this project, I have found and understood more than I originally thought I would. I have developed better skills and I have a better comprehension about how children need to have positive interactions to have the best possible outcome in life.