
Over the semester in SOCL 346: Statistics for the Social Sciences, I learned how to do a variety of things related to statistical data analysis. The most important thing I learned was how to navigate two online statistical programs called “R Studio” and “SPSS”. These two online programs included learning how to properly code data and different variables. Navigating these two programs is not for the weak, but with time and dedication, anyone can learn how to properly operate these statistical programs.  

Throughout the course, I learned how to code variables into categories and how to interpret the meanings of the data. In order to understand the data, we used a variety of methods to display the data. Some methods we used were the “T-test, ANOVA, Chi-squared Test, Pearson’s Correlation, and Regression.” These tests allowed students to better understand the data presented in multiple ways. The tests also showed the significance of the data compared to other sets of data. I learned how to do these tests by hand and also in the two online programs “R Studio” and “SPSS”. 

This was crucial to learn because it allowed us to better understand the data we received from the surveys sent out last semester. The data allows for a clear understanding of how each variable correlates to family involvement. This matters in a larger concept because data can be used at higher levels to answer questions people might have. Research and statistics can be used in different settings, such as politics, family involvement, and education. 

Following the conclusion of this course, I will use this information to help me in the future whenever necessary. The knowledge and information I have learned and retained in my brain will stay with me because, in class throughout the semester, we created a statistical manual. This manual is kept in a well-organized binder to be saved for many years. My statistics manual explains in detail how to calculate every chapter by hand, in “R Studio”, and “SPSS”. I’ll use the knowledge and abilities I’ve gained in this course in my graduate studies. I’ll be competent in data collection, analysis, and research. The abilities I acquired could potentially come in handy for my next job. Currently, I want to further my education and pursue law school. In this career setting, I would need to be able to record data and do research related to criminal justice. Overall, this course has allowed me to expand my research and statistics skills.