Longwood University offers full-time and part-time assistantships in a number of categories and departments.
Use this link to find open positions: http://blogs.longwood.edu/gradassistantships/apply-for-an-assistantship/
Log your hours here: https://longwoodce.org/gradresources/ga-hours-log/
Academic/Research Assistant
A graduate student with limited responsibility for the administrative and/or applied professional practice within an academic department or a University administrative unit. These positions may also include significant student or client interaction, collaborative research with faculty, and project planning and implementation.
Teaching Assistant
A graduate student who assists a faculty member who is the instructor of record for a course. The duties of such an appointment may include work in the classroom, in recitation sections, in laboratories, in online learning management systems, or in other learning settings. The Teaching Assistant (TA) may or may not be responsible for grading student assignments and for maintaining office hours.
- Standard Full-Time Assistantship
- Student works 300 hours a semester (average 20 hours a week for 15 week semester)
- Student receives a scholarship for 9 credit hours of in-state tuition for the semester (must be registered for at least 9 hours)
- Student receives a stipend
- Standard Part-Time Assistantship
- Student works 150 hours a semester (average 10 hours a week for 15 week semester)
- Student receives a scholarship for 6 credit hours of in-state tuition for the semester (must be registered for at least 6 hours)
- Student receives a stipend