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April 16, 2018

SHAV 2018

This past week, I had the pleasure of attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference with my graduate cohort in the Longwood Communication Sciences & Disorders graduate program. During my experience at this event, I was able to hear from leading professionals in our field about their research and experience treating patients, and many taught us new tips and tricks that we can apply in therapy to achieve better outcomes with patients. I was able to network with professionals across the state and learn about their careers and positions as speech language pathologists in different areas of our field. During my attendance at SHAV, I was also lucky enough to have the opportunity to present the research that I have been working on with my cohort members TIa Javier, Kristen Knowsley, and Rachel Pegelow. During our presentation, we were able to hone the professional skills we have learned while in our program here at Longwood. Overall, I had an absolutely amazing and eye-opening experience at SHAV this year, and I am so thankful that the professors in my program here at Longwood were so encouraging and supportive in this research and presentation experience!

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