Hi, my name is Gracie Wiseman. My interests include reading and dancing. I like to watch movies, listen to music, and knit. My favorite color is blue and I love spending time with my family. I am organized, punctual, goal-oriented, friendly, and compassionate.
I graduated from Longwood University where I majored in Social Work in 2023. I am a member and was the president of the Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society at Longwood University. I was a member of the Longwood Company of Dancers from 2021 to 2023. I have a passion for social work and I am interested in working with children.

In my junior internship at the City of Roanoke Department of Social Services in the foster care department, I grew my knowledge and skills. I increased my knowledge through the different trainings I completed and the activities I observed like home visits, family partnership meetings, and court hearings. My skills were developed through contact with clients and coworkers and completing case notes. Specifically, I developed my leadership skills by leading supervision meetings and initiating opportunities with my coworkers. I was helpful in my internship by supervising visitations, creating a visitation schedule, updating the parent handbook (an informational book given to parents whose children are removed), and updating intake forms.
My senior internship was at Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare in the Child, Youth, and Family services department. During my senior internship, I continued to grow my knowledge and skills. Specifically, I developed my communication and teamwork skills through trainings, contact with coworkers and clients, and participation in the Coordinated Speciality Care (CSC) team. I observed client therapy sessions, orientation sessions, Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT) meetings, 90-day client sessions, staff meetings, and documentation efforts. I shadowed the mental health skill-building, intensive care coordination, and homeless outreach services offered by the agency. I completed a variety of relevant trainings concerning topics including trauma, schizophrenia, case management, and autism.