Goal 4 – The Creative Process:For this goal students have the option to take a wide variety of classes. At first I was not sure which class I was going to take because they all seemed interesting to me. One of the classes offered is music appreciation. As someone who has been involved with music since I was nine years old, this class seemed very fun, however I have also always enjoyed art, therefore that is why I decided to take Intro Into The Visual Arts. I loved this class. We were able to do so many fun projects, but the best part was the professor challenged us to get out of our comfort zone. She wanted us to not be afraid to draw even if we thought that we had no talent whatsoever. We got to learn how to look at a piece of artwork and analyze it, learned Chinese painting in which I made bamboo and a bird, and how to use water colors. My favorite project, however was one that had very little instructions. All we were asked to do was create something that was made from found objects and make it represent you somehow. At first I was so lost and wanted more instructions however then I just let my creativity take over and had the time of my life. I ended up making a flower 100% from spoons. I can honestly say it is something that I am so proud of.