Longwood Ambassadors: Ever since my first tour of Longwood I knew I wanted to try and get involved in this organization. The Longwood Ambassadors are in charge of giving the tours to prospective students. The best part of this job is the fact that I get to share my love of Longwood to high school students and in some cases help these prospective students find their home. I joined this organization at the end of my second semester freshman year and it was one of the best decisions I made. The audition process is intense and I was so excited when they came to my door screaming, “We are proud of you.” Not only do I continue to love this organization, but I have gone on to hold a position on the executive board. I served as the secretary of this organization for almost two years. In this position I did just about a little of everything. This organization has definitely shaped my leadership skills as well as the ability to work with many different types of people.
Honor Board: At the end of my freshman year I also decided to run for a position on the Honor Board. I was elected to serve on the board and I have loved every minute of it. I have learned so many valuable lessons through this role. In this role we, as a board, hear any infractions to the honor code and give our recommendation of an educational assignment. Like Ambassadors I have also gone on to obtain a higher position in this organization as well. I have served as the the Secretary of this organization, as well as the Vice Chair. In this role I assisted the Chair in anything they need done as well as step in when the Chair can not complete their duties. I have loved serving on the board and I look forward to continue to serve.
Sigma Alpha Omega: At the beginning of my sophomore year I joined this sorority. This is slightly different than the average sorority because it is not part of CPC and it is a group for girls who love God. The purpose of this organization is to give women of God a support group. Our philanthropy is ovarian cancer so we hold fundraisers trying to collect money to go to that cause. We also work at FACES which is a local food pantry in Farmville. I have gone on to obtain an executive position for this organization as well. I am now the Outreach Coordinator. I am in charge of connecting with local chapters as well as going into the community and putting on events. I will be working closely with the community service chair to organize some great events that benefit the entire community.
Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM): BCM is a place that I can go every Thursday for connection time. Local churches sponsor us and fix us a home cooked meal every week and we also just have a time to get to know other people in the Longwood community as well as hear about God. I love Thursdays because their is always great food and great company!
Honors Student Association (HSA): Lastly I am involved in HSA. As a honors student you are automatically in this organization, however it is your decision to be an active member or not. I love this organization because we are able to do lots of community service through this organization as well as have fun with your honors family. I was picked to be the Junior Retreat Leader for our upcoming Honors Retreat. Once this retreat is over, my senior year, I will take on Senior Retreat Leader. In this position I am required to work closely with the Senior Leader and try and put on a fantastic Honors Retreat. This is where new Lancers come to Longwood a week before classes start and we help them get acclimated to the University and college life. The main goal is to introduce them to their Honors family as well as help their transition go even smoother.