Being in the Cormier Honors College, we have high standards that we are expected to achieve. We are required to maintain a 3.25 GPA. This, although not impossible, definitely does push you. I am so happy that I choose to apply for honors coming into school because they have held me accountable and at a higher standard and through that I have been able to accomplish many great things! Due to the fact that honors excepts the highest level from its students I have pushed myself to maintain that level in academics. As a result I have been able to make Dean’s list every semester since coming to Longwood! On top of this I also received a letter from Princeps, one of our secret societies focusing on leadership and academics, recognizing my hard work throughout Longwood. I also was one of four Sophomores that was picked to be a helper for the Chi burning. Chi is our other secret society on campus with a focus more on spirit. Being selected to help with this extremely special event is a huge honor. Longwood has truly allowed me to flourish in my field and that could never have been possible without the amazing professors that can be found here as well as the ceaseless support the Honors College has shown me.