Press Release

For this particular assignment, my group members, S. Turner and C. Senft, and I created a press release for our fake product, “Lingua”. While the product itself may have been fake, the principles we were able to implement into our project were very real and valuable in showing this particular aspect of professional writing. The following course learning objectives were utilized and implemented into this press release:

  • Course Learning Objective One: Analyze and produce writing genres commonly found in the professional world (e.g. business, gov., media)
  • Course Learning Objective Two: Create professional documents that use plain English (clear, concise, and grammatically correct)
  • Course Learning Objective Three: Conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.)
  • Course Learning Objective Four: Create professional documents that use design – standard formats, layout, use of graphics, etc.
  • Course Learning Objective Six: Participate productively in collaborative projects

In this project, we were able to analyze writing used more-so in the media business world. We again were able to implement the AIDA format – attention, interest, desire, and action as persuasive rhetorical tools to peak interest from our news release. We did this by creating attention with an effective title, peaking interest with the first paragraph, creating desire for the product through presenting the benefits of our product, and calling for action with a persuasive conclusion. My team had to collaborate and delegate effectively in formatting the document as well as researching background information to create our product,

See the document embedded below for our “Lingua” press release:

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