
The brochure was especially enjoyable to create with my team members, S. Turner and C. Senft, because we were able to be creative as we thought of an imaginary product, and we were able to be imaginative when it came to creating a design for our professional document. With that being said, we were able to effectively implement the following Course Learning Objectives into this project:

  • Course Learning Objective One: Analyze and produce writing genres commonly found in the professional world (e.g. business, gov., media)
  • Course Learning Objective Two: Create professional documents that use plain English (clear, concise, and grammatically correct)
  • Course Learning Objective Three: Conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.)
  • Course Learning Objective Four: Create professional documents that use design – standard formats, layout, use of graphics, etc.
  • Course Learning Objective Six: Participate productively in collaborative projects

This assignment was unique in that I was able to analyze business writing in the context of a brochure, where visual appeal plays a large role! My group had to be especially mindful of clear and concise writing in order to avoid a large amount of text cluttering brochure space. It was critical to be concise for the reader’s sake and design’s sake. My group utilized the design principles of “contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity” in order to create a visually appealing brochure. We were also required to conduct research to create the context for our “product”. This required productive, collaborative efforts from each team member to create an effective product!

I was actually able to implement what I have learned from this project in another research project I conducted for another class, Phonology and Language Disorders, as I created a brochure with a team for our research project. This project kept me mindful of design, professional writing, and rhetorical tools I could implement into our research.

Embedded below are copies of the front and back of my group’s brochure for “Lingua”, a “language translating hearing aid”!