Self Care Plan

Strategies to help survive and thrive:

  1. Play and walk with my dog– My dog helps take my mind off of everyday stress and because she is so goofy she makes me laugh even when I may not want to.

2. Take designated breaks away from technology– Detaching from my laptop and phone allow me to have a screen break for my eyes and get away from doing assignments or other stressful tasks.

3. Spend quality time with my significant other– My significant other has been a huge system of support and stress relief for me lately, and since my love language is quality time he helps me just by being present with me. He also does not work in the same field as I do, so being able to talk about topics that have nothing to do with counseling helps take my mind off of potential stress in the moment.

4. Painting– I have always love to express myself through creative outlets and have recently been painting in my free time. I found painting lets me concentrate on something that can be turned into decorations as well as something that can take my mind off of stressors I may be facing.

5. Having a comfort meal– After long, stressful days, I love to have a specific meal that I can turn to that I know will be quick/easy to make and will make me a little happier afterwards.

6. Journaling thoughts– If I am unable to talk through my feelings with others, I find it extremely helpful to write out what I am feeling/experiencing in a journal so I can have a sort of emotional release instead of bottling up thoughts.

7. Go fishing– Fishing has always been a fun activity that I would do with my grandfather when I was younger and now that I do with my significant other. It allows me to be outside for a couple hours and enjoy the quiet atmosphere as well as practicing patience.

8. Watch a scary movie– Scary movies are my favorite to watch, where I like the jump scares and creepy unknowns that tend to occur. I enjoy how these movies can be unpredictable and can distract me for a while.

9. Lighting a candle or incense– I love having my space smell nice and inviting for good vibes, and burning a candle or incense can make me feel as though I am cleansing out negative energies from around me.

10. Making a cup of tea- Recently I have been very much into drinking tea to relax me at bedtime or after working on an assignment and help make sure I get hydration throughout the day.