Position Statement II

After completing the introductory course to the counseling program, I am still set on obtaining licensure in Virginia to become a mental health counselor. I will note that I am now considering looking at the licensure requirements for other states that I may potentially wish to practice in and evaluate which license I want to pursue. In terms of specialty areas I am interested in, I very much want to continue pursuing couple/marriage counseling but I am now looking into adding substance use counseling as well. Couples counseling will remain as a main focus of interest as I believe the service it provides is beyond important for relationships to be worked on and strengthened if possible. With substance use counseling, I have started to gain experience working with college students struggling with substance addiction and want to further explore the possibilities in that aspect of the field as well.

A potential professional plan change I would consider is the population that I would prefer working with. Originally, I was highly against working with children under 18 years of age and those that would be in the elderly population since I have had more negative professional experiences with both of them. After going through the course, especially after the class discussing lifespan and development, I am not as against the idea of working the children and may consider the possibility of having a young client in the future. I still feel highly uncomfortable working with the older population and may have to have much more positive experiences with them to change my professional opinion.

As for my beliefs about counseling, I have a more well-rounded understanding about what the profession entails as well as different areas that people choose to go into. All of the material we went over during this course as strengthened my belief that counseling can benefit anyone and how demanding the field can be, but at the same time can be so rewarding to those counselors who truly love what they do. Overall, I have a deeper appreciation for mental health counselors and am just as excited, if not more so, to continue on in the profession and learn more about myself in the process.