See What He Does With Passed-Out Girl

This is a GREAT example of how students can effect change through social media.  Check out this news report including a video that went viral about the role of drinking and informed consent (even though the words “informed consent” aren’t included,this is essentially what the video addresses).

Slaying the Messenger? UNC Rape Victim Has Honor Code Violation Filed Against Her

A disturbing development in an alleged sexual assault that occurred against a female student at UNC.  The alleged assailant filed an honor code violation charge against her, despite the face that she had never named him publicly.  This move has been widely seen as an act of intimidation that works to further discourage victims from speaking out.

Woman challenges tradition, brings change to her Kenyan village

Click here to read the uplifting story of Kakenya Ntaiya, who negotiated with her father to accept female circumcision in exchange for his allowing her to complete high school.  Once she did that, she continued on to college and eventually earned a doctorate in the US.  She now operates a school for girls in her village and is challenging FGM.