Survey Design

Restate your research question

  • How can parent/family encouragement stimulate children’s involvement ?

What survey question will you use to operationalize your dependent variable? 

  • (Ratio/central tendency)Group 4, Question number 3: How much did your family enjoy this activity? (Scale 0-10; 0 = not at all, 10 = a great amount).

What survey question will you use to operationalize your independent variable? 

  • (Frequency)Demographic question: What is your relationship to your child/children who attend Head Start? (Please check the most accurate description).
    • Mother
    • Father
    • Step-Mother
    • Step-Father
    • Grandparent 
    • Guardian
    • Other

Using information from class, explain why these are good/well written questions.

  • Because the question I picked to address the dependent and independent variable, has a tie to my research question, it’s clear, should be easy to answer and it will give me the answers I need to proceed with my paper.

Discuss best practices for survey research. 

  • I believe a questionnaire would be the best method for this survey research because we could use both open-ended and closed-ended questions, and that way we can maximize the use for our answers.Not only that but it would be a lot easier for us researchers to code the answers that way.Surveys also keep the identity of the respondents anonymous to us researches which is also an important factor for research confidentiality.