Feeling at Home: Volunteering at the Food Pantry and Familiar Faces

I’m a communication studies major and, to help fulfill our community service requirement, we have the opportunity to help out at Farmville’s food pantry, FACES. I volunteered one Saturday morning, and I felt so fulfilled afterwards.

We helped people pick out food and then helped them load the items into their cars. I must have helped 100 or more people. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing I did my part to help families in Farmville who need a hand.

The next week, during my class, we discussed how our help could have had an impact on more people than we think—like the people who receive food at FACES. The most touching interaction I had was with a woman whose family of 12 hadn’t had enough food for weeks. I thanked her for coming and told her to please come by anytime she needs to. That was the first time I realized how much of a difference I can make while I’m here in Farmville and how many people I can help.

While walking around campus, I try to look around and see how many people I know and can say “Hi” to. I’m very happy to say that I see a several people every day when I walk to class. I’m so glad that I chose Longwood—because of its size and because of those familiar faces. Getting involved with several student organizations has introduced me to a lot of new people.

I was leaving my band class the other day and I realized that I finally feel at home. I took a photo to remember that moment. It’s my first month of living here, and I couldn’t be prouder of where I am in my life right now.
