All throughout my life I have been a part of incredible communities in the educational and extracurricular settings. In high school, I went to a small school, in a town named Nokesville, where community was key, and it provided everyone with support and love. I knew, after having this community behind my back, Longwood, and Farmville, would help provide this same support and love. Farmville allows individuals to succeed greatly in all aspects of live. This community allows for my views to be broadened and the variety of individuals and environments teaches me in many different aspects than one. The strength of each and every person working together is what absolutely amazes me about this community. I have been very thankful with being a part of the Longwood Women’s Soccer team, where I have been given such a wonderful group of girls and coaching staff that not only supports me through everything but gives me by second family. This team gives me the opportunity to spread my own experiences and advice to others and provide my assistance both on and off the field. It also allows me to connect with others of the community. We connected with many different parts of the community and gave support to others all over the nation. The amount of heart my team has amazes me and they have taught me what a true family and community is. This heart continues to all of the Farmville community as well. They are huge fans of all Longwood activities, especially the sport communities. I go to a lot of sporting events to support each team, like most Longwood students do, and I see a lot of the rest of the community there too. Me being a part of the Farmville community allows me to be a part of many different communities as well. Helen Keller once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much.” This quote hits right at home as I have so many people in my life that make me a better me and allow me to succeed. Together, Farmville and Longwood, gives me the best community that I could ask for and continues to give me opportunities and support that I need to be the best student, athlete, friend and women.