
Hi everyone, my name is Mariah Foldes and I am a senior Nursing major at Longwood University. I have always had a passion for medicine and caring for others. Throughout the four years of studying Nursing, I have grown so much and am very passionate in my work so far. I will be graduating in May 2020 and will move right into the field of Nursing. I moved to FarmVille, Va from Virginia Beach. I completed High School at Frank W. Cox and ran track throughout my time spent there. Now as I come to an end of this chapter at College, I am interested in traveling the United States. My goal is to become a travel nurse in the Operation Room. I want to gain the experience of traveling while I am still young. I hope to gain a better outlook at life and appreciate all the things I have. I want to care for others and make a difference in this world.

ePortfolio PurposeĀ and content

This ePortfolio will serve as my final exam for my English 400 class. This course has given me the opportunity to become experienced with actively interpreting famous literature works using Aristotle’s three appeals and logical fallacies. I was required to write my own Rhetorical Analysis and create a public website in order to bring awareness to suicide prevention. Public speaking has always been a struggle for me and this course has allowed me to practice my skills with two major presentation. I gained the ability to determine my purpose, audience, and message when completing a project. Additionally, I can effectively analyze my own work and text that will benefit my results. By knowing who my audience is I can use the three appeals learned in this course to enhance my context and use strategies that are more persuasive. English 400 shaped me into an active citizen with the skills to interpret and analyze important public issues.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues;

2. understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context;

3. choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes;

4. analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations;

5. understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.