The content in this portfolio includes a brochure, which was used to create a hands-on template of grabbing attention, and getting important information out to consumers in an interesting, yet informative way. This assignment is useful because as a future editor, I will likely have to start in jobs that aren’t my ultimate goal. With the possibility of having to edit brochure type pieces of writing, it is beneficial for me to know not only how to create one, but also how to get the most important information into a small space, that leaves the reader understanding what the brochure is about. Additionally, the bad news letters and the persuasive letters were beneficial for learning how to respond and inform others in a professional way. This will be important for all aspects of life in the future, but especially in the working world. The press release will be useful in the future when trying to advertise for my independent bookstore I am looking to open. By being able to inform large groups of people about my store and why it is unique, I will have a greater chance of success with my store. Finally, the professional report is again important for editorial reasons, but also with developing skills to analyze other people’s work and decide what works and what doesn’t, for my own personal benefit with assignments and goals.