This course has taught me the importance of knowledge, ethics and values, and skills involved in organizational leadership in the social work discipline. The focus of leadership and professional development study will be on the theoretical perspectives, functions and structures, leadership styles, techniques and skills, and ethical and value-driven leadership needed in the field of social work. In addition, this course provides skill in professional development to prepare for the entry of social work practice.
I hope to use and model the leadership styles that I was taught in my social work career and everyday life. This course has taught me how to be adaptable and flexible to changes and approaches by being a leader. I have also learned that it is okay to have a balance between both being a follower and a leader. This course has changed my view on how I see leadership, the many different perspectives and theories on leadership, challenged my behavior of how to become a better leader. This class has planted a seed into my social work career in terms of becoming a leader and I hope to continue to grow and learn new things everyday.