Impression Management

Critical Thinking: Thinking past the initial thought, at a high and beneficial level, thinking from all perspectives, digging deeper into a idea, and problem solving.

Professionalism: Acting and behaving in the proper manner which correlates to the situation you are in. The specific attitude you hold yourself in an appropriate setting. For instance you will behave different for a professional job interview, rather then with a group of peers. (casual communication and work communication)

Communication: The ability to effectively share thoughts and ideas with coworkers and other individuals. The ability to state what you have done right and what you have done wrong.

Teamwork: Coming together with other individuals to create a thought or idea. Teamwork involves the contribution of all and equal opportunities to be given.

Leadership: Setting a positive example for people around you that guides them in the proper way. Taking on additional responsibilities.

Technology: The ability to effectively use modern day resources and requirements needed for your specific career.

Equity: The ability to include everyone, despite the awareness of human differences.

What are the different situated identities you can use to help express these different competencies?

I have demonstrated good critical thinking by problem solving, when there was an issue between the coaching staff and my teammates, at my last school.

I have demonstrated good professionalism by using a professional manner when addressing people high then me. For instances calling professors “Dr” and calling my coach “Coach” rather then her name.

I have demonstrated good communication by effectively sharing my ideas and listening to others when working on a group project in class.

I have demonstrated good teamwork by working together with my team and staying positive towards each other, when we are in a tough situation during a game.

We are writing our cover letter. What are the expressions we want to give to those reading the cover letter that we are competent in each of those four areas? What might we want to try and avoid in those expressions?

On the cover letter you will want to sound excited and positive about he job. Other key factors are sounding knowledgable about the career and field, confidence about your qualities, include your strengths and interest in the job. Avoid using a template, add specific language that are specific for that job. Avoid cockiness and instead express your ability and interest in learning more in this position. (do not want them to think you are entitled. Your cover letter must be professional with proper grammar and spelling.

What are on an interview. What are the expressions we want to give in that interview? What do we want to avoid?

In an interview you want to sound professional, appropriate body language, appropriately dressed, passionate about the job, knowledgeable about the position and field of work, prepared for interview, positive and paying attention in interview.

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