Nov 07 2023

Photo Essay

Summer On Long Island

To me Summers on Long Island are unbeatable! From the sunsets, the beach, and day trips into the city, summers on long Island are unmatched! So here is why you should consider this as your next summer vacation spot…

Starting off with the beautiful sunsets. This sunset was taken at this place called Pirates Cove in Port Jefferson, NY. This is one of many places I love to visit on the island. Pirates Cove is a place where you can see the sunset, climb sandy dunes and trails, or if you have a boat, you can anchor down and just relax with friends. Every time I have come there are always so many boats just partying together blasting music and swimming! Me and my friends just usually climb to the top of the sand dune you see in the back and watch the sunset.

Want to travel with a dog? There are plenty of dog friendly places to go! A lot of restaurants on Long Island have outdoor seating, especially in the summer months, so you can bring your dog there if you’d like a good meal. Also, there are lots of dog-friendly beaches to go to as well. The one in the picture is Watch Hill. You could take a ferry there or dock your boat for the night. The dogs are welcome everywhere, and they also have a restaurant there.

If you’re not a beach person, Long Island has so many other things to offer. One being a day trip to the city! The city has so many things to offer and it’s so easy to get there from the island. A quick train ride or a drive, and you can spend the whole day there eating and exploring the sites. There are so many good restaurants, sites, museums, and its very good exercise. New York City is probably a place everyone wants to go at least once, so why not just take a quick trip!

Another great aspect of summer is the Jones Beach Ampitheater. This is my favorite place to go see my favorite artists. I saw Pitbull here two years ago and it was by far my favorite concert ever. It is such a beautiful place to watch your favorite artists because its right by the water and you can see the sunset. IF its stormy you can even see the lightening in the clouds, which looks so cool. If you’re just looking for a fun activity and see an artist, you like is playing here it is defiantly an amazing experience to see someone the Jones Beach Ampitheater.

Like the first picture, this is just another beautiful sunset Long Island has to offer, but at a new location. This picture was taken at my second favorite beach, Ocean Beach. You can see some of the fun activities to do at the beach are Spike ball and volleyball, but there are so many more things to do. Like if you take that boardwalk, it will take you down to the town, that has the best pizza place ever, a candy shop, a club, an ice cream shop, and so many store to shop in! This beach is perfect for a very long, relaxing beach day, and is definitely worth checking out!

Long Island can be such a relaxing place to go for a summer vacation or just a weekend trip. There is so much to do but without all the hustle and bustle of a city, like Miami or any touristy places. So, if you’re looking to get away to somewhere peaceful and you liked the images above, check out Long Island, New York!

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