About Me


My name is Emily

Growing up I was always on the go. I grew up in a town that was 45 minutes from Richmond and 45 minutes from DC, so when I made my decision to attend Longwood University in the fall of 2016 it shocked everyone. Although it was very different from home, I fell in love with Longwood University because of its small town feel and traditions. When it came to choosing a major I knew that I wanted to study public relations right away, and unlike most college students I have not changed my major! I always had a love for solving problems and writing. I always thought that I would go into some kind of marketing but during my senior year of high school, my marketing teacher gave me insight about the field of public relations and the rest became history. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love a trip to the mall, but it’s not just the shopping that I enjoy. I love to look at how retail corporations present themselves, and produce innovative corporate images. To further fuel how much I enjoy creating images and pulling things together, I took an internship with a wedding planning company in the spring of 2018. This internship allowed me to learn skills in organization and coordination, as well as bring multiple moving parts together to create one final picture. As my college career comes to a close in the next 6 months, I hope to secure a job in public relations, as well as take some time to travel and expand my cultural knowledge.

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