Course Work

Communication Ethics: Influenced my career by allowing me to learn that an individual’s or group’s behavior are governed by their morals which in turn affects communication. This can influence my behavior in a future marketing, and public relation position. 

Public Relations Writing: Aided in my future career by teaching me the appropriate writing styles and rules for my industry. The skills learned in this class will help me to create better written content for both print and digital mediums. 

Media Writing: Learning the style of writing used in journalism will help in my future career by allowing me to learn the skills  to evaluate if a source is credible as well as write an article and interview effectively if need be. 

Accounting: This course was very challenging but taught me to be persistent and work harder to achieve a goal. It influenced my career by teaching me hard work and dedication. In addition, I learned to settle accounts effectively. 

Micro Economics: Influenced my career by allowing me to learn the marginal benefits and losses when it comes to businesses. The skills in this class will allow me to make decisions in my career that are marginally beneficial to those involved.