Through this research project, I was able to gain information on why parent involvement in children’s lives who are enrolled in head start is beneficial by looking at previous studies of parent involvement. This was the first research project I have ever completed. Through my social research and program evaluation class I have learned how to properly conduct a valuable research study.
My favorite part of this entire research project was presenting the results. The smart objectives and the activities that were created to fulfill the smart objectives as discussed in the paper were made by an alternate class other than my social research and program evaluation class. The other class had the task of coming up with the activities that were sent home, and we analyzed the quantitative and qualitative data findings of the study through a survey that was sent home with the last activity of the week for parents to complete. My class then presented the findings to the class that created the activities.
The other class appreciated the results we presented about the activities they created. The parents provided honest and helpful information that will allow future classes who complete this research to be more successful in increasing parent involvement in the children’s families at the head start programs.