In addition to being a place that strives for high academic achievements, the Cormier Honors College is a place that prizes connectivity and trust between its members. The Honors College is one of the more unique communities on campus, because its members get a chance to meet and form friendships during the Honors Retreat several days before the rest of the students arrive. During these couple of days, new and older Honors students are eating together, traveling to interesting places, and partaking in team-building activities. These experiences give us the opportunities to make great friendships before being bombarded with academic responsibilities. Now that I am farther into my college career, I am even more grateful for the friendships I have formed and the amazing people I have met. The people within the Honors college have made the stresses of my first year that much easier, and to me that is a big part of what community means to me: the people around you who are there for you to lean on for support, who can relate or empathize to what you may be going through.