Common Good Project

Our last project in English-400 was the Common Good Project, which turned out to be one of the most difficult projects I’ve completed at Longwood. The project was a team based activity and we had to use what we learned in the class in order to convince classmates on a hot button issue. Our group chose to do Ocean Conservation which on paper sounded great in practice however it was anything but great. We ran into issues such as what we wanted to focus on and allocating work. As you may imagine the Ocean’s are absolutely massive and there are so many problems that it can be difficult to pinpoint what you want to focus on in regards to ocean conservation. The project took a lot of time and coordination, but eventually we pinpointed the issue we wanted to focus on which was plastic pollution. Our goal was to raise awareness about the amount of plastic we use and how it affects the ecosystems of our oceans. We created a pamphlet and a website in order to explain the information. We also laid out various organizations and what you could due at home in order to alleviate the problem. While we ran into some problems at first we managed to overcome them and create a clear and concise project to help people understand the horrors of pollution. This wouldn’t have been possible without the information taught in English-400 for creating good arguments and convincing others of your point of view.