Research Experience

This semester I learned more about the research process, specifically how to start it when other research has not been previously done on the specific topic, like the coronavirus. I learned how to take a general topic and break it down into subgroups that allow me to arrive at the main question. I did this by looking into the coronavirus, especially how it affects students, how people react to it, and what people are doing as their part to help stop the spread. These topics then allowed me to look into research that eventually gave me survey questions because I understood what things were like previously and how they were changed due to the pandemic. Before this semester I did not know how to properly build a questionnaire and now I learned the proper way to ask questions, the orders to put questions in, and how people will answer based on how long the questionnaire is. Once the questionnaire was sent out and data was collected I learned how to look for themes in the responses as well as quantify the answers. I looked particularly at the responses to my variables that I chose after looking into past research and the biggest thing that interested me once developing the subtopics as mentioned previously. Since research on the coronavirus is limited, I picked sources to help build my case by looking at the main things being disrupted and how they used to work along with this I researched the coronavirus to gain a better understanding of what it does to people and how it spreads. This research allowed me to properly look at my subtopics and chose which ones seem to have the most support with past research and where my data can fit in. During this research I struggled most with finding research that would help support my claims and knowing which research was relevant and reliable. With having so little research published on the coronavirus, it made it hard to tell it studies were reliable because I did not know much about the virus to begin with. As I read more articles, I began to have a better understanding and compare research which allowed me to pull from concepts that would help support my topic. Being able to do the whole research project myself with guidance from my professor made me have more confidence in doing this myself. At the beginning of the semester I was worried about not knowing to proper steps in research and where to begin, but now I think I would be able to collaborate and work with others to produce solid research. To think like a researcher means to look into everything and ask questions. There is always a gap in research because the world keeps changing, so there is always something new to learn. This semester I learned to think like a researcher and dive into a topic I was interested about as well as look at the data to form my own conclusions. Being a researcher means the work is never over and there is always a question that needs an answer.