Below are some examples of my writing along with some explanation of what each writing was for. There is also a good writing example on the research page.

This is a copy of my final paper for my History 221 class. This course related to American life from the early colonial era up until the reconstruction era in 1877. We closely looked at the political, social, and economic forces that helped to shape early America. For this paper, we were given three primary sources, each of which contained a different viewpoint of slavery. Within the paper, we had to examine each source and explain why the author made that source and why it helped support their views.

This example is a paper I wrote for my English 335 class this semester. In this class we examined American literature from early settlers all the way to the end of the Romanticism era. For this assignment, we had to pick an author who published during the Antebellum era. Once we picked an author, we had to analyze their work and explain how that author felt about slavery. During most of the Antebellum era, most of the literature published landed on one side, or the other, of the slavery argument. For this assignment, we also had to combine our analysis of the writer and explain how ideas we discussed in class were exemplified in their work.

This example was a group assignment we did in my English 470 class this semester. In the formal report, my group picked three websites to analyze. We then took those analyses and made a list of recommendations for another company so they could perfect their website. The purpose of this assignment was for each group to organize all of the information they collected and develop a formal report, just like one we might have to develop one day in a real job. This assignment related back to a textbook chapter that we had previously talked about. Formal Reports are very important in the business world. They allow companies to relay information in an effective and relevant manner.

This example is the Final paper I had to write for my English 483 class. For this paper we had to explain what our views were about teaching writing in an elementary classroom. We also had to explain why we had those specific views. For this assignment, I had to: figure out what my beliefs were and why those ideas were important, find scholarly examples that explained why that idea was important and how it helped to support my overall ideas, and I had to provide examples that showed that idea translated into activities that some teachers could do with their classes. This paper allowed me to combine ideas we had talked about all semester into my own teaching philosophy about teaching writing.

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