Hello, My Name is Christie Douglas

I am a senior at Longwood University. I am working on getting my Bachelor of Science degree. My major is Liberal Studies. I also am working towards completing three different minors in other subjects that greatly enjoy. My minors are in English, Children’s Literature, and History. After I graduate, I plan to join the Peace Corp. I am so excited to finally be getting close to completing the necessary classes that will get me one step closer to achieving my dream job. Ever Since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to become a teacher. In high school, I volunteered in one of my local elementary school classrooms. In that classroom, I discovered that I had a knack for working with the little children. When I got to college, I figured out that I did not want to just be a traditional teacher. I did not want to sit through 4 years of school to just go straight into a classroom and miss out on the chance to experience the beautiful world that is all around me. I decided that I was going to go down a less traditional path but one that would still have the same end goal. This is where the Peace Corp. comes in. In the Peace Corp. I can go anywhere in that world and still be a teacher. Since I was in middle school, I have been fascinated with all of the different countries, cultures, and traditions that are all around us. I have always wanted to have a chance to experience all of them. Joining the Peace Corps will allow me to combine both of my passions into one thrilling adventure.

I am a person who is a life-long learner. I believe everyone has something to teach you, all you have to do is be willing to listen. I strive every day to become the best teacher I can possibly be. I am always looking for ways to better myself, and better my work, so I am happy to receive constructive criticism from those around me. I come from a family of educators which makes me dedicated to my profession. I am willing to work with the other faculty at in the schools in order for us all to be at the best level we can. I’d like to consider myself to be a people-person and I greatly enjoy making new friends. Working with children would allow me to make all sorts of new friends with every new class. I am willing to go the extra mile to make sure that my students would have everything they needed to excel in school and all other future achievements. I plan to try to think of fun and creative ways for my future students to learnĀ all the materials that could otherwise be hard to learn in a classroom. I hope make my room a comfortable learning space and a home-away-from-home for my future students. I like to think of myself as someone my students, and my peers, could rely-on and trust fully. Over the past few years, I have coached various special Olympic sport teams and was also part of the buddy program when I was in high school. I also used to volunteer with a 2nd grade classroom in one of my local elementary schools. I would volunteer after school and whenever I would have a free day.

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