Hello! Welcome!

December 8th, 2020

Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Christie Douglas. Thank you for taking the time to review it. This ePortfolio has been created as my final exam for English 470 – Professional Writing Skills. In this class, we have learned all about how to write after we get out of school. In the real world, there is a certain level of expectations required from any published writing. Because of this class, I feel as if I have enough understanding to take this knowledge and be able to hold my own in a professional work space. This class has given me the skills to engage in the conversations, both written and spoken, that could happen in a professional workplace.

English 470 Course Objectives

December 8th, 2020

  • Upon completion of this course, students will:
    • Analyze and produce writing genres commonly found in the professional world (e.g., business, gov., media);
    • Create professional documents that use plain English (clear, concise, and grammatically correct);
    • Conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.);
    • Create professional documents that use design—standard formats, layout, use of graphics, etc.
    • Practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools);
    • Participate productively in collaborative projects.