Reflection to Letter of Senior Self and 3 Pillars

It’s crazy to be here now as a senior that’s about to graduate in May 2023! It feels like not so long ago that I was a freshman at Longwood and wrote a letter to my senior self. In this letter, I talked about the journey and growth that I would go through during my time at Longwood and the journey that lies ahead of me beyond my time at Longwood. After reading these wise words from the younger me, I can confidently say that I was spot on with my message. I took time to reflect on my letter to my senior self and I thought about my time at Longwood. I’ve made many great friends and I’ve been able to make great memories with the people that I love. From the marches to the G.A.M.E. to Late Night Breakfast, from movie nights with friends to attending the amazing basketball games, I’ve enjoyed so many moments at Longwood with the people I love. I will echo what I stated in my letter to my senior self and say that you should look forward to the journey ahead of you. As you traverse the highs and lows on the path of life, have the courage to grow and appreciate the good times and bad times. And to the future me who reads this, I know that you will continue to do amazing things and have so many more good times.

I’ve also taken some time to reflect on the pillars of scholarship, service, and community and how they can apply to me in the future. Scholarship has always been and will continue to be an important value in my life. Although I will no longer be a student after Longwood, I will continue to expand my knowledge and explore the world around me. I don’ think I’ll ever get tired of reading cool new books or learning interesting facts about animals. I will continue to remain a scholar at heart. Service is something else that I highly value. I believe that serving others is a great way to help others and make the world a better place. Service can bring amazing change and positivity into the world. Whether that’s serving as a leader in an organization or volunteering at a local food drive, I will continue to serve those around me. Community is something special and valuable that I’ve found while at Longwood. Whether that’s meeting a great group of friends as a freshman or creating a community for Hispanic/Latino students through the Hispanic Latino Association, community has been a significant part of my time at Longwood. After I graduate from Longwood, community is something that I want to continue fostering and creating for others. I’ve learned and experienced much at Longwood and I am thankful for all the experiences and memories!