

My name is Miguel Diaz-Montealegre. I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and my family is from Mexico. I’m currently a senior in the Cormier Honors College and the LIFE STEM Program at Longwood University. As an environmental science major, I’m very passionate about the environment and loves to spend time outdoors. I first became interested in the environment and the outdoors by taking backpacking trips in Virginia and Pennsylvania during high school. Experiencing the beauty and wonder of nature through these trips caused me to develop a love for the environment. As I researched potential careers related to the environment, I developed a strong interest in wildlife biology. I wish to pursue a career in wildlife biology because of the amount of time spent working outdoors and the work that is performed in order to protect and conserve wildlife.

I’m currently finishing my Bachelor of Science in Integrated Environmental Science and I plan on either going to graduate school for a Master’s degree in wildlife biology or beginning my career in wildlife and conservation. My main goals are to become a wildlife biologist and to continue pursuing my passion for wildlife and the outdoors. My dream job would be to work for the federal government to protect and conserve wildlife and the environment in the United States. I would love to work with mammals or birds and I would love to work in Colorado or on the West Coast.

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