So Why Is Conversion “Therapy” So Bad?

Photo courtesy of James Finn

On March 3rd, 2020, Governor Ralph Northam signed the bill into law forbidding conversion “therapy” for use on children and adolescents, making Virginia the 20th state in the country to do so and the only Southern state. In the years following, there have been no significant changes, except for some municipalities banning the practice, as well as Puerto Rico.

So, why is conversion “therapy” so bad? The evidence is clear. There is no evidence of LGBTQ+ peoples’ sexual orientations or genders being a result of a mental illness, with even the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses (DSM-V) declassifying gender identity disorder into the term “gender dysphoria.” Studies have also shown that conversion “therapy” has no positive impacts, nor does it have the ability to change one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, which is determined at birth. In fact, conversion “therapy” causes many more problems than it solves. It is statistically shown that being exposed to conversion “therapy” can cause significant increases in suicidal ideation, drug use and abuse, and depression, with those exposed 8 times more likely to attempt suicide, and 6 times more likely to be depressed.

The scientists are on board. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and American College of Physicians all oppose the practice, citing it as unnecessary and severely harmful. The National Association of Social Workers is also on-board, citing it as unacceptable to their Code of Ethics. It’s time for us to be too.

So, how can we end conversion “therapy” and its practice in the United States? A crackdown is necessary on this practice. First, it must be banned in all 50 states and territories. It should also be made unavailable for adults, to avoid its use on those that may be coerced into “therapy” as adults. Further, lobbying and media campaigns must take place to show that it is okay to be gay. It is harmless and affects nobody except the person and their partners. The evidence shows this is a harmful practice. Let’s get on board.

Information courtesy of NBC News and Medium.