What Does It Mean to Be Antiracist?

What is anti-racism? In the words of the great Ibram X. Kendi, anti-racism can be defined “as any idea that says the racial groups are equal.” Thus, anti-racism is the belief that all races should be equal and have the same social standing, opportunities, and freedoms.

The first thing that modern-day budding anti-racists must do is acknowledge that racism is prevalent in society. This racism is not an accident; it is systemic and has been this way for centuries. America was founded on the backs of enslaved Africans that never received proper recognition for their work, and to this day, continue to languish under the consequences. To this day, people of color still suffer under cycles of poverty, biases in the workplace and society as a whole, and the school to prison pipeline, to name a few examples.

Anti-racism is not a one-time endeavor or something you put on when convenient. It is a lifetime commitment to fighting racism where it rears its head, even when situations become difficult. For example, it is your responsibility to challenge racism in places such as your work, home life, and even in society as a whole when you become aware of it. However, there is nothing to say that you have to challenge racism alone. This webpage is full of resources that you can use to challenge racism, and there is nothing to say that you will be the only person fighting back. Utilizing the help of others is vital in the fight against racism. When people band together, the impossible becomes possible. Don’t wait until you see racism to start learning. Consider learning more today.