On October 25th, Professor Christopher Swanson engaged his Honors Music Appreciation class by taking them to the Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra. The theme of the 2015-16 concert series is “Together, we make music.”. Dr. Swanson is the conductor and music director of the LSO. Students enjoyed watching their professor bring theory they learned in class to …
Category: Scholarship
Dec 04
Honors ENGL 203 and GNED 400 experience history
This is the archaeologist Dave Brown, who is part of the Werowocomoco Research Group, a section of Honors GNED 400 and English 203 on a tour of Werowocomoco, the site of Powhatan’s capital in 1607, where John Smith was taken after his capture by VA Indians that winter. It’s where Pocahontas allegedly saved Smith’s life. Our …